Fourth-year Ph.D. Candidate in "Transnational Governance" (Department of Political Sciences and Sociology) at the Scuola Normale Superiore and at the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna.
Research interests: governance of cultural diversity, migration, ethnicities, multiculturalism, interculturalism, social inclusion.
International profile: academic and working experiences in Germany, France, England, Spain, Morocco, China, Japan, Singapore, South Korea.
Many experiences as teacher, and creator and coordinator of projects aimed at promoting intercultural/interreligious dialogue and social inclusion.
Co-founder and President of "Confluenze", an Association for Social Promotion working in the field of social inclusion and promoting European projects and projects for the municipality of Florence.
Tutor for first/second year Ph.D. students:
Teacher and organizer of programs aimed at developing English communication skills, critical thought, global mindset, and leadership skills of the Japanese high school students participating in the ISA's Japanese Empowerment Program (teaching experiences in the cities of Kyoto, Saga, and Nara).
Creator and coordinator of ASL projects ("Alternance School-Work," required in the Italian high school system), consisting of training courses for high school students focusing on Florentine history, art, culture, and religious diversity, followed by activities aimed at promoting social inclusion through the interaction between high school students and migrant/religious communities in Florence.
Teacher of a yearly internal course (27 hours) at the Ghislieri College on the history, art history, culture, and urban sociology of the city of Florence.
Building blocks of learning