Work History
Additional Information
Manuscript Ready to submit:
Manuscript preparation:
Dr.Thananjeyan Balasubramaniyam

Dr.Thananjeyan Balasubramaniyam



A well-rounded and skilled Bioorganic chemist across multiple disciplines of chemistry, including Nucleic acids chemistry, synthetic, analytical, phytochemistry, and computational, with demonstrated a keen interest in working at multiple scientific interfaces in the research focuses:


years of professional experience

Work History

Research Professor

Gyeongsang National University
12.2022 - Current
  • Experienced with a unique skill in the Synthesis of Modified nucleobases.
  • Future Strategies for Small-Molecule (Modified Nucleobase) Infectious Disease Therapies.
  • Synthesis of Oligonucleotides containing modified nucleobases and investigation of their ability to form Z-DNA.
  • The investigation of the antimicrobial activity of extracts from plants.

Post-Doctoral Researcher

Gyeongsang National University
07.2019 - 12.2022
  • Experienced with a unique skill in the Synthesis of Modified nucleobases.
  • Future Strategies for Small-Molecule (Modified Nucleobase) Infectious Disease Therapies.
  • Synthesis of Oligonucleotides containing modified nucleobases and investigation of their ability to form Z-DNA.

Post-Doctoral Researcher

Miyazaki University
05.2019 - 07.2019
  • Synthesis of Oligonucleotides containing 8-methyl 2'O methyl guanosine and investigation of their ability to form Z-DNA.


Ph.D. - Medicine

Miyazaki University
Miyazaki. Japan

Master of Science - Biotechnology

Periyar University
Tamil Nadu. India

Bachelor of Science - Biotechnology

Periyar University
Tamil Nadu. India


  • BIoorganic chemisty
  • Nucleic acid chemistry
  • Small molecule based drug therapy
  • Spectroscopy

Additional Information

Ph.D. Thesis: 2’-O-Methyl-8-methylguanosine as a Z-Form Stabilizer for Structural and Functional Study
of Z- RNA and Z-DNA. Department of medicine, Division of Chemistry. Miyazaki University, Japan. Advisor: Prof. Xu Yan.

M.Sc. Thesis: The variable light intensity on biofilm development and localized corrosion of UNS S30400 stainless steel in seawater. Project was done at Biochemical department, Central Science and Industrial Research( CSIR-CECRI) - central electrochemical institute of India, Mandapam, India.



July 2016  – Mar 2018: Otsuka Toshimi fellowship

April 2015  – Mar 2016: JASCO fellowship


English, Tamil, Japanese, Hindi
Native language



July 2016 – RASA’s Research Grant 



Dec 2013 – May 2014:  M.Sc. project

Central Electro Chemical Research Institute, Mandapam, India.

Research topic: The variable light intensity on biofilm development and localized corrosion of UNS  S30400 stainless steel in seawater.   


Experimental Techniques:

Bioorganic Chemistry:

  • Designed and executed multistep synthesis of targeted bioactive molecules. Experienced with most established organic chemistry methods like column chromatography, distillation, and recrystallization.
  • Experienced in UV-visible, CD and Steady-state fluorescence spectroscopy, Nanodrop , analytical techniques like MALDI-TOF-MS, and MPLC , high performance liquid chromatography, mass spectroscopy (ESI-MS), nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (H1, 31P, 2D (NOEY, COSEY)).
  • Acted as a source of expertise in the macromolecular sciences and their applications in biomedicine to your Novartis colleagues.
  • Experienced in Gel electrophoresis (Agarose, PAGE, and Pulsed field), Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and Fluorescent Microscopy.

Microbial Techniques:

  • Isolation (various source) and culture the microbial cells.
    Analysis the Antimicrobial activity.
    Analysis of Cell culture (basics).
    Expert of Biofilm Formation and analysis.

Other Techniques:

  • Plant tissue culture techniques.
  • Callus maintenance (formation, growth)

Computational Biology: 

  • · Ligand based drug design.
  • Structural based drug design.
  • Moleular docking
  • · Materials, Chemistry & Biology related: Enzyme X (Plasmid design), Topspin (Analysis 2D-NMR), Bioimage L (analysis Biofilm).




Memberships   : The Chemical Society of Japan (CSJ)

The Chemical Society of South Korea (CSSK)  

Reviewer :  Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (Journal)



1) Thananjeyan Balasubramaniyam , Takumi Ishizuka  , Chao-Da Xiao , Hong-Liang Bao  and Yan Xu “ 2’-O-Methyl-8-methylguanosine as a Z-Form RNA Stabilizer for Structural and Functional Study
of Z-RNA ” Molecules.2018 Oct; 23(10): 2572.

2) Thananjeyan Balasubramaniyam , Takumi Ishizuka  , and Yan Xu “Stability and properties of Z-DNA containing artificial nucleobase 2'-O-methyl-8-methyl guanosine”. Bioorg Med Chem. 2018 Dec 6. pii: S0968-0896(18)31790-5.

3) Thananjeyan Balasubramaniyam , Kwnag-Im Oh, Ho-Seong Jin , Hye-Bin Ahn , Byeong-Seon Kim , Joon-Hwa Lee “Non-Canonical Helical Structure of Nucleic Acids Containing Base-Modified Nucleotides“ PMC8430589  DOI: 10.3390/ijms22179552.

4) Thananjeyan Balasubramaniyam , Byeong-Seon Kim ,Badvel Pallavi ,Ho-Seong Jin ,Sung Kuk Kim and Joon-Hwa Lee 1 “A Green Chemical Approach for Iodination of Pyrimidine Derivatives by Mechanical Grinding under Solvent-Free “ DOI:

5) Thananjeyan Balasubramaniyam , Shailima Rampogu, Joon-Hwa Lee “Phytotherapeutic applications of alkaloids in treating breast cancer .DOI: 10.1016/j.biopha.2022.113760.

6) Thananjeyan Balasubramaniyam , Seo-Ree Choi , Vinod Kumar Nathan , Abhishikta Basu , and Joon-Hwa Lee “A new perspective at the metabolites and bioactive substances that are derived from fungal sourcesThe American Journal of Chinese Medicine.

7) Shailima Rampogu,Thananjeyan Balasubramaniyam,and Joon-Hwa Lee2,“ Curcumin Chalcone Derivatives database (CCDD): A Python Framework for Natural Compound Derivatives Database.  DOI:10.7717/peerj.15885 Peer J .

8) Kwang-Im Oh; Ho-Seong Jin; Thananjeyan Balasubramaniyam; Ji-Yeon Shin; Seo-Ree Choi; Young Jun Seo; Byeong-Seon Kim; Yeo-Jin Seo; Seung-Ryong Kwon; Nak-Kyoon Kim “Entropy-driven conformational transition of flexible Z-DNA to a novel non-B helix by double-methylated guanosine.DOI: 10.1016/j.biopha.2022.113760. Journal of Molecular Liquids.

Manuscript Ready to submit:


1. Anti-inflammatory therapy involving polysaccharides: a look into the future.

Thananjeyan Balasubramaniyam , Seo-Ree Choi , Vinod Kumar Nathan , Abhishikta Basu , and Joon-Hwa Lee. (submitted to Carbohydrate Polymers)

2. Triple helix-interacting proteins and role in therapeutics.

Thananjeyan Balasubramaniyam , Shailima Rampogu , and Joon-Hwa Lee. 

3. Virus and Corona virus Modified nucleobase fusion inhibitor identified by Pre-trained Deep Learning-based Approaches .

Thananjeyan Balasubramaniyam, and Joon-Hwa Lee. 

4. Investigating the COVID-19 therapeutic potential of marine-derived bioactive compounds.

Thananjeyan Balasubramaniyam, and Joon-Hwa Lee. .

Manuscript preparation:


1. NMR investigations of protein structure and dynamics, molecular docking, and molecular dynamics constitute a novel approach to characterizing Z-forms protein-ligand complexes.

Thananjeyan Balasubramaniyam, and Joon-Hwa Lee. 

2. A novel database of Modified nucleobases : Therapeutically approach.

Thananjeyan Balasubramaniyam , Shailima Rampogu , and Joon-Hwa Lee. 

3. cheilocostus speciosus (j. koenig) leaf extract (Biomolecules) as Potent Antiviral Phytomedicines: New Insights on Ethnobotanical Evidences against Monkey Pox.

Thananjeyan Balasubramaniyam, and Joon-Hwa Lee. 

4. A Novel Modified nucleobase Inhibitor of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Thananjeyan Balasubramaniyam, and Joon-Hwa Lee. 

5. An influenza A hemagglutinin Modified nucleobase fusion inhibitor identified by a new high-throughput fluorescence polarization screen.

Thananjeyan Balasubramaniyam, and Joon-Hwa Lee. 


1) Prof. Dr. Joon-Hwa Lee, Ph.D.,
Professor, Department of Chemistry,Dean, College of Natural Science Gyeongsang National University
501, Jinju Blvd
Jinju, Gyeongnam 52828
Republic of Korea
Phone: +82-55-772-1490


2) Prof. Dr. Xu Yan, Ph.D., Professor, Division of Chemistry, Department of Medical Sciences,
Faculty of Medicine, University of Miyazaki,
5200 Kihara, Kiyotake, Miyazaki, 889-1692, Japan.

Tel. : +081-0985-85-0993; E-mail:

Web :


3) Dr. Takumi Ishizuka, Ph.D.., Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Histochemistry and Cell Biology,
Department of Medical Sciences,
Faculty of Medicine, University of Miyazaki,
5200 Kihara, Kiyotake, Miyazaki, 889-1692, Japan.

Tel. : +081-0985-85-0993; E-mail:

Web :



Research Professor

Gyeongsang National University
12.2022 - Current

Post-Doctoral Researcher

Gyeongsang National University
07.2019 - 12.2022

Post-Doctoral Researcher

Miyazaki University
05.2019 - 07.2019

Ph.D. - Medicine

Miyazaki University

Master of Science - Biotechnology

Periyar University

Bachelor of Science - Biotechnology

Periyar University
Dr.Thananjeyan Balasubramaniyam