Software Engineer with experiences in developing and launching on the cloud service.
Prefer to actively communicate and collaborate with the idea that the most important thing in a team project is communication between team members.
DalDal Shopping - Cashback Commerce Service
[Tech Stack]
[Assigned Tasks]
1. Backend development such as product registration and
management, social login, user point deposit and withdrawal registration, etc
2. Build CI/CD Pipeline with Gihub Actions, Docker, Portainer
3. Design AWS infrastructure such as VPC, RDS, Elasticache, and Docker Swarm to build distributed servers
[Problem Solving]
1. Multiple requests for point withdrawals at the same time cause the point balance to decrease only once
→ Addressing the concurrency issue through DB pessimistic lock
1. Increasing administrative costs due to the administrator having to enter items daily when registering a product
→ Automate product registration by building a crawling server with AWS Lambda, Beautiful Soup
WADIS - Wildlife Disease Control System
[Tech Stack]
[Assigned Tasks]
1. Design and Implement Sample Management Page Features
2. Validation and duplicate inspection when saving samples
[Problem Solving]
→ Improve query entry at once with JDBC template BathUpdate
⇒ Performance improvement of approximately 33% with 5692ms→ 4242ms based on 5,000 data
1. Identify the cause of the external library method being an URL query method
→ New client-side save function to communicate with data in json
2. Newly implemented communication functions and legacy code compatibility issues
→ Implement data structure conversion adaptor method
⇒ Consider compatibility with existing code and resolve missing data issues
Communication Skills
Spring Framework
Google Cloud Associate Engineer
CMC MakeUs Challenge 14th Server
2023 UNI-DTHON Sliver Award
GDG Campus Korea Whatever You Make
Google Developer Student Club in CAU 1st Member
Google Cloud Associate Engineer