Work History


MLOps Engineer


I am a versatile MLOps engineer with a professional background and diverse experience. I have gained extensive experience in various fields, including backend, web frontend, and mobile frontend development. The reason I can confidently take on any task is not just because of my broad knowledge and experience, but because of my passion and drive to constantly learn and grow.

At my current job, I have the opportunity to collaborate with relatively younger team members, providing mutual learning experiences. I am learning from my team members' expertise in deep learning and data analysis, which has allowed me to contribute to achievements such as the development of an AI supervision system. This experience, in particular, has significantly improved my problem-definition skills. I have developed the ability to systematically break down complex problems and redefine them in a solvable manner, enhancing my deep problem-solving abilities.

I look forward to continuously learning new technologies, developing innovative solutions, and growing further. I am eager for opportunities where I can apply my expertise to its fullest potential in a dynamic and challenging environment.


years of professional experience

Work History

MLOps Engineer Lead

02.2020 - Current

Project 1: Integrated ML Inference Platform

Main Responsibilities: Platform development and operation
Role: Overall platform development lead, platform development, ML module development
Technologies Used: Python, SQLAlchemy, PyTorch, TensorFlow, MTCNN, PyAudio, NumPy, MySQL, SQS, K8s
Project Duration: February 2020 – November 2023 (1 year 9 months)
Team Size: 2 members
Project Details:

  • Objective: Integrate existing ML inference engines from various in-house services (AI recruitment service, interactive AI content service, mental health service)
    Minimize operational costs and reduce inference latency
  • Achievements: Transitioned ML inference modules to be managed via the database, allowing for rapid construction of new ML Inference pipelines using the module combinations during new service launches. Previously, new service required over 3 months for ML inference pipeline preparation; now completed within 2 weeks.
    Reduced overall ML inference pipeline operating costs by more than 2/3 after migration to the integrated inference platform.
    Reduced inference latency from 5 minutes to under 3 minutes using parallel pipelines.
    Applied auto-scaling to reduce operational costs by 5% or less during spike traffic events.

Project 2: Agent Builder

Main Responsibilities: Backend development
Role: Backend DB design and interface, asynchronous agent worker development
Technologies Used: Python, FastAPI, BentoML, VLLM, Langchain, Strawberry, SQLAlchemy, MySQL, PostgreSQL, RabbitMQ, ScyllaDB, Milvus, ECS, Terraform, K8S, GitHub Actions
Project Duration: November 2023 – Present
Team Size: 4+ members
Project Details:

  • Objective: Develop an agent creation platform
    Build a no-code / low-code agent development environment
    Provide agent testing features
  • Achievements: Completed workflow creation feature similar to n8n and Make
    Developed API integration functionality for generated workflows
    Completed workflow testing and debugging features

Project 3: MLOps Implementation

Main Responsibilities: Data preprocessing pipeline development and MLFlow-based centralized training platform
Role: Developed data preprocessing pipeline using K8S + Airflow, centralized model training management using MLFlow + TorchLightning
Technologies Used: Python, K8S, Airflow, NumPy, Pandas, MLFlow, TorchLightning
Project Duration: January 2023 – February 2023
Team Size: 1 member
Project Details:

  • Objective: Improve script execution method for each stage of the preprocessing pipeline
    Enhance individual researcher learning management methods
  • Achievements: Built a preprocessing pipeline using Airflow DAGs, enabling simple execution and monitoring via a dashboard
    Centralized logging of training processes with MLFlow, managing research code, settings, and artifacts. => Eliminated issues of experiment result loss caused by personnel changes or departures

Project 4: Data Management System Development

Main Responsibilities: Development of learning data management system, labeling system, and inference result monitoring system
Role: Backend and frontend development
Technologies Used: SpringBoot, ReactJS
Project Duration: February 2020 – May 2023
Team Size: 4 members
Project Details:

  • Objective: Build a systematic management system to ensure AI reliability
    Develop a flywheel for AI learning data
  • Achievements: Developed various data evaluation tools to ensure data reliability and quality assurance
    Implemented data versioning for training purposes, allowing for historical tracking of training data
    Controlled data access to prevent data contamination and ensure privacy protection => Achieved TTA AI Reliability Certification in 2023

Ecommence Web Service Developer, CDO

08.2016 - 01.2020

Project 1: E-commerce Web Service Development and Operation

Main Responsibilities: Overall web service development
Role: Backend, frontend, and admin development
Technologies Used: Python, Django, Vue.js, MariaDB, Celery, MongoDB
Project Duration: August 2016 – January 2020 (3 years 5 months)
Team Size: 1 member + (up to 2 members)
Project Details:

  • Objective: Ensure website stability
    Increase sales through data-driven marketing
    Improve service operation efficiency, focusing on product and shipment management features
  • Achievements: Turned around from over 50% deficit to break-even within 6 months and achieved more than double the break-even sales within 2 years
    Eliminated service disruptions, reducing occurrences from 2-3 times a week to zero downtime
    Reduced webpage loading time from over 3 seconds to under 300ms

Project 2: Remarketing Automation Platform Development

Main Responsibilities: Event collection and remarketing automation backend, Spark query development
Role: Overall development lead, backend, Spark query development
Technologies Used: Python, Flask, MariaDB, MongoDB, Spark
Project Duration: August 2019 – December 2020 (5 months)
Team Size: 1 member + (up to 1 member)
Project Details:

  • Objective: Track all events both on client and server sides
    Perform customer funnel analysis
    Create target segments and perform remarketing based on collected logs for performance marketing
  • Achievements: Developed a web front SDK for customer tracking
    Developed a funnel analysis feature using Amplitude
    Created a function to extract target segments based on RFM (Recency, Frequency, Monetary) metrics

Mobile Application Developer, Tech Lead

10.2015 - 07.2016

Project 1: WouldU Coffee

Main Responsibilities: Service development
Role: Backend, Android, iOS, and admin web development
Technologies Used: JavaScript, Node.js, Express, Kotlin, Swift, MariaDB
Project Duration: October 2015 – July 2016 (9 months)
Team Size: 1 member
Project Details:

  • Objective: Develop a location-based indie cafe ordering app service
    Develop user apps for Android and iOS
    Develop a web app for cafe management
    Develop a web app for service management
  • Achievements: Developed a web frontend framework
    Implemented mobile app animations
    Successfully launched the service

Web Application Developer Lead

05.2015 - 10.2015

Project 1: ShapeEngine

Main Responsibilities: 3D printer sharing web service development
Role: Backend and frontend development
Technologies Used: Python, Django, MariaDB, JavaScript
Project Duration: May 2015 – September 2015 (4 months)
Team Size: 5 members
Project Details:

  • Objective: Develop a 3D printer sharing web service
    Enable 3D printing from user-uploaded models
    Implement model slicing and direct transmission to 3D
  • Achievements: Developed a model viewer using Three.js
    Built a custom web framework
    Successfully launched the service

Mobile Developer

10.2012 - 05.2015

Project 1: Cloud Storage Development

Main Responsibilities: Storage backend development and infrastructure management
Role: Spring server development and GlusterFS distributed storage operation
Technologies Used: Java, Spring, MyBatis, MySQL, GlusterFS
Project Duration: March 2013 – March 2014 (12 months)
Team Size: 6 members
Project Details:

  • Objective: Develop a Dropbox-like service
  • Achievements: Built distributed storage using GlusterFS
    Developed a file management system using Spring

Project 2: Whoopee

Main Responsibilities: Serverless file sharing app development
Role: Android app development
Technologies Used: Java, Android, mDNS
Project Duration: April 2014 – April 2015 (12 months)
Team Size: 5 members
Project Details:

  • Objective: Develop local network file sharing functionality
    Implement remote file sharing functionality
  • Achievements: Developed a local network file transfer app using mDNS
    Implemented proof of concept (PoC) for remote file sharing using hole punching

Project 3: Android/HTML5 Set-Top Box Development

Main Responsibilities: app launcher for Set-top box development
Role: Android set-top box development, HTML5-based set-top box development
Technologies Used: Java, Android, HTML5, RequireJS
Project Duration: March 2013 – April 2015 (13 months)
Team Size: 4 members
Project Details:

  • Objective: Develop an Android launcher for set-top boxes
    Build an HTML5-based set-top box
  • Achievements: Developed an Android-based launcher for set-top boxes, including animation and remote control interaction features
    Developed a HTML5-based set-top box using RequireJS

Cloud Infrastructure Engineer

07.2010 - 09.2012

Project 1: Cloudit v1 Development

Main Responsibilities: Virtualization platform development
Role: API Gateway, authentication, and monitoring development
Technologies Used: Java, Spring, iBatis, ActiveMQ, MySQL, Xen Server, JavaScript, jQuery
Project Duration: July 2010 – December 2011 (17 months)
Team Size: 6 members
Project Details:

  • Objective:Develop a service similar to AWS
    Build a web console for the service
  • Achievements:Developed an IaaS platform based on Xen Server (first in Korea)
    Launched the Cloudit service
    Developed an interactive web console using jQuery

Project 2: Cloudit v2 Development

Main Responsibilities: Virtualization platform package development
Role: Virtualization engine, distributed storage, monitoring agent development, Linux packaging
Technologies Used: C++, Boost, Thrift, Xen Hypervisor, Open vSwitch, GlusterFS, Pacemaker
Project Duration: January 2011 – August 2012 (17 months)
Team Size: 3 members
Project Details:

  • Objective: Redesign the engine based on Xen Hypervisor
    Reimplement using C++
    Package the solution in the form of a Linux distribution
  • Achievements: Developed volume management based on VHD
    Managed VLANs using Open vSwitch, isolating virtual networks per user
    Developed image management storage using GlusterFS
    Developed a custom virtualization engine and collected metrics through a monitoring agent
    Optimized and compiled the Xen Hypervisor from linux kernel and packaged it

Security Engineer

05.2008 - 02.2010

Project: Security Threat Detection, Analysis, and Response for KB Bank

Main Responsibilities: On-site support at KB Bank
Role: Malware analysis and response for bank branch and internal staff, security threat analysis and response
Technologies Used: C, Python, Immunity Debugger
Project Duration: May 2018 – January 2020 (1 year 8 months)
Team Size: 6 members
Project Details:

  • Objective: Minimize damage caused by malware
    Prevent and respond to bank system breaches
  • Achievements: Reported the highest number of new malware cases within the team
    Successfully restored systems within 20 minutes during the nation-wide DDoS attack on July 7, 2009, while other financial institutions faced outages for over a day, and some public institutions were down for up to a week


Bachelor of Science - Computer Engineering

04.2001 -


Multi role


MLOps Engineer Lead - GENESIS LAB
02.2020 - Current
Ecommence Web Service Developer, CDO - ONE MOMENT
08.2016 - 01.2020
Mobile Application Developer, Tech Lead - ZAF
10.2015 - 07.2016
Web Application Developer Lead - ATEAM VENTURES
05.2015 - 10.2015
Mobile Developer - LHSG
10.2012 - 05.2015
Cloud Infrastructure Engineer - INNOGRID
07.2010 - 09.2012
Security Engineer - AHNLAB
05.2008 - 02.2010
KONGJU NATIONAL UNIVERSITY - Bachelor of Science, Computer Engineering
04.2001 -